
Obrve, ukras lica

autor teksta dr Marija Balković, spec. plastične hirurgije Obrve su okvir očiju i lica. Kod oba pola može doći do gubitka obrva, zbog bolesti, opekotina, tetovaža, infekcija ili čestog čupanja. Kada govorimo o restauraciji obrva, najbolje su metode koje omogućavaju da imate prave dlačice u obrvama, jer jedino takve obrve izgledaju prirodno. FUE PRECISE...

5 tretmana za lepši izgled očiju, kapaka i lica

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Kako je najveći akcenat antiaging medicine na neinvazivnim tretmanima, rešio sam da...

What can I expect from eyelid surgery?

Excess skin on upper eyelids is not reserved only for those over 50 years of age. Many people start noticing the same already in their 40’s, primarily as “tired face”. Unfortunately, these people look older than they really are, much earlier than such skin starts interfering with their eyesight. Procedure that resolves this problem...