Vade rebra zbog užeg struka: Hirurg za Telegraf otkriva kako da saznate da li je neko “išao pod nož”
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. tekst objavljen na portalu “Telegraf” Ova intervencija je veoma rizična, ali se lako može ustanoviti da li je figura “peščanog sata”...
liposukcija i abdominoplastika za lep i uzak struk
Pitanje koje ostaje je da li liposukcijom možemo poraviti zdravlje. Da li uklanjanje metabolički visoko aktivnog masnog tkiva popravlja samo privremeno određene laboratorijske analize ili je i dugoročno korisno
Abdominoplasty owes its popularity to the development of the surgical techniques that provide spectacular results such as rapid recovery and well-concealed scarring. The recovery balances between willingness to get the body back to its original state and need for the body to have enough time to recover. Twenty years ago, patients were advised to...
Pacijentkinje (i pacijenti) koje dolaze zbog abdominoplastike uglavnom imaju višak kože na stomaku, razmaknute trbušne mišiće i strije. Uklanjanjem strija i viška kože, kao i zatezanjem mišića postižemo dramatičnu promenu u izgledu.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Abdominoplastika je operacija kojom uklanjamo višak kože i masnog tkiva sa stomaka. Iako je efikasna, u poslednje tri godine često je...
Iako su trudnoća, rađanje deteta i materinstvo za ženu događaji koji nose najviša emocionalna osećanja, fizički izgled tela posle porođaja često je izmenjen. Ponekad su to zanemarljivi, jedva primetni znaci na grudima ili stomaku, dok su nekad takvi da zahtevaju hirurški zahvat koji bi telo doveo u prvobitno stanje. Kombinovani zahvati skratili su oporavak,...
Trudnoća i porođaj zauvek menjaju život, u tolikoj meri tako da će svaka žena reći da je dolazak bebe nešto najlepše što joj se u životu desilo. Sa druge strane, redovno mi u ordinaciju dolaze mame koje i pored dijete ne uspevaju da se oslobode viška kože na stomaku i koje vežbama ne uspevaju...
Često me pacijentkinje pitaju kako to da i pored upornog vežbanja ne mogu da smanje obim struka i promene oblik stomaka, naročito onog dela od pupka naniže. Od pre nekoliko godina počela je širom sveta da se primenjuje operacija koja taj problem sa uspehom rešava. Lepa silueta i uski struk polako nestaju sa godinama,...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Strije za većinu devojaka prestavljaju ogroman estetski problem. Najčešće se javljaju u toku brzog rastu u pubertetu, tokom trudnoće i u...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. autor teksta : Ljubica Krstić | magazin Blic Žena, 3.12.2013. Šeron Ozborn...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. prvi deo teksta objavljenog u časopisu “Top zdravlje” , marta 2013. Autor Marina Damnjanović. Estetska operacija nakon mastektomije veoma je važan...
In my effort to write a text on the most popular aesthetic surgeries of women’s genitals, vaginoplasty and labiaplasty, I was thinking about its headline. Should it be a loud one or a subtle one? I chose the latter and I hope you will have no objections to it and that the text will...
Many women and men also, have excess fat tissue in a form of a “life belt” at middle and lower part of the abdomen, which is hard to eliminate with diets and exercises. It is common with women after labor and with persons who lost a lot of weight. If you wish to find...
To make decision on aesthetic procedure is never easy, nor should it be taken for granted. Patients often ask me what procedure will they benefit most from and what should be the first one they should undergo. As aesthetic surgeon I feel obligation to suggest consideration of the following questions before making decision about...
During entire human history nice buttocks was always highly appreciated, and ancient Greeks even had a name for perfect buttocks- “callipygeny”. Since the number of requests for improvement of buttocks appearance, I have been receiving lately, has far surpassed my expectations, here are a few words on the subject… In the global village we...
Sva naša prošlost ostaje zapisana na koži. Svaki pad sa bicikle, posekotina ili operacija ostavljaju neizbrisiv trag na koži. Nekome ožiljak može biti sećanje na dan kad je prvi put bicikl vožen bez ruku na volanu, a za neke je on razlog za skrivanje dela tela. Da li se ožiljci mogu ukoniti? Ožiljak se...
Flat belly with strong muscles and firm skin is something we all wish for and achieve with exercising and proper diet. Unfortunately, all of this does not always give desired result and then aesthetic surgeon needs to be involved. Usual causes leading to loss of abdominal wall tonus are pregnancy and rapid loss of...