Is aesthetic surgery the right choice for you?
To make decision on aesthetic procedure is never easy, nor should it be taken for granted. Patients often ask me what procedure will they benefit most from and what should be the first one they should undergo. As aesthetic surgeon I feel obligation to suggest consideration of the following questions before making decision about surgery.
1. Have you tried to correct you appearance with some other methods?
For example, if you are not satisfied with the amount and position of the fat on your body, have you tried a diet or exercising? After aesthetic surgery such as liposuction, results will be significantly better and will last longer if you continue with proper nutrition and healthy way of living. Also, postponing of face-lifting is possible to achieve with combination of Botox and filers. You should always consider all options because some of them might be useful. If you plan to enlarge your breasts- think about whether anatomic or round implants suit you better.
2. Would it be too much burden for your budget?
It is known that aesthetic surgeries are not cheap, but most often the invested money pays off. After you inform yourself on several places about the prices, compare planned costs with gained quality of life and satisfaction that new appearance will bring to you. In certain cases health insurance can partially bear the price of surgery, for example if correction of big breasts, gynecomastia or breast reconstruction are in question.
3. What is your real motivation?
Always give yourself time to answer this question. It is the most important thing. Breast enlargement may represent a good idea, but it should never be done because of a boyfriend, husband or someone else, because there is a possibility that you will regret one day. Everything you plan must be done only for you, so you can look more beautiful to yourself and thus be satisfied.
Finally, I think it is useful to consult several plastic surgeons. This is good because in that way you notice the differences between surgeons’ approaches, their attitude towards your current appearance, surgery itself and the outcome, as well as a will and capability to carefully listen what your wishes are and completely explain how to make them come true.
2 comments to “Is aesthetic surgery the right choice for you?”
mila - Tuesday November 27th, 2012
Prava tema za svaku zenu koja se odluci da na sebi uradi nesto lepo i zadivljujuce..Svaka cast Dr ste jedini od svih plasticnih hirurga koji zaista na pravi nacin informisete i dajete savete,,sto drugi plasticni hirurzi nikada ne cine..Svaka vasa tema me sve vise obogacuje sa znanjem i srecna sam da u Srbiji postoji neko ko zaista radi svoj posao na pravi i profesionalni nacin..Puno uspeha u daljem radu..pozz..
admin - Tuesday November 27th, 2012
Hvala Vam puno na lepim rečima i Vašem vremenu. Veoma mi je drago da Vam se sviđaju tekstovi.