Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery dr Maljković
The patient is provided with excellent care and treatment at the hospital, and the entire team is available to patients all time during their stay.
Aesthetic surgery is getting more and more sought after, and good looks are highly appreciated in today’s society. My aesthetic surgery practice in Serbia includes all types of aesthetic operations, as well as numerous cosmetic procedures, which are done at reasonable prices, considerably lower than the ones in the surrounding areas, providing patients with the same quality and aesthetic outcome. It is important to note that all costs of treatment are included in the price, as well as postoperative controls.
The patients who come to us, apart from wishing to emphasize their natural contours and get the body image they want, often come due to age-related changes, so we do quite frequently cosmetic and surgical procedures for facial and body rejuvenation. Our priority is to have our patients completely and qualitatively informed on all the aspects of aesthetic operations. Apart from operation, we find that the comprehension of procedure is necessary in order to be able to understand the future appearance and the scope of the procedure. Patients get a complete treatment in one place, which includes preparation, analysis, necessary consultative examinations and indispensable postoperative medical devices.
Being located in Belgrade and having state-of-the-art equipment, we are able to provide a complete range of treatments, from minimally invasive procedures to combined aesthetic procedures. Continuous training both abroad and in the country makes me competent at selecting an adequate procedure which will enable each patient to have the best aesthetic outcome. Each patient is treated individually; the procedure is adjusted to the patient and not the other way around.
The top priority for each of our patients is safety and satisfaction after the operation. When you know that you look good after the surgery, you tend to be more confident and have much higher self-esteem, therefore each patient’s postoperative checkup is something that makes us happy, as we can see and note the changes brought about by changed and improved facial and body appearance.
A top priority for each of our patient’s safety and satisfaction after the completion of surgery.
Achieve perfection through modern technologies

This is the most popular operation in cosmetic surgery. Today we have broad spectrum of implants, from round to teardrop shaped, and in last few years we are specialised in using micropoliurethane covered breast implants.
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Finally completely safe and natural way to correct the lips with the hyaluronic acid.
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Usually rhinoplasty is considered the most difficult aesthetic surgery. We perform open septorhynoplasty, adressing functional and aestehtic problems of the nose
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