How to achieve perfect cleavage?

Since various creams for breast enlargement are inefficient, breast enlargement most often implies silicone implants. There are many types of silicone implants on the market and each patient can find one that suits her. And perfect cleavage always attracts attention.

Breast-Augmentation-2What is the basic you should know about implants?

Shape: round and anatomic? Round implants that are cheaper and make upper pole fuller comparing to anatomic ones, are more often used in Serbia. It was previously said that round implants look like balls stuck to the thorax, but today, with emerging of dual plane technique this is no longer the situation.

Projection. Basically it is the height of the implant. We usually use „moderate plus” and „high” profiles. My practice shows that over 80% of patients choose high profile, because it has the best ratio of projection (height) and base diameter.

Volume. Most important characteristic of an implant is practically its size. Great number of patients knows in advance how they want to look. Some of them even know which implant model they want. Before examination I always show great number of photographs of patients who have similar body composition and their post-operative appearance.

Good trick at home is to pour certain amount of rise into a sock and put it into bra. This is how implant volume and future appearance may roughly be determined.

In doctor’s office of course, there is a great number of demo silicones, which are tried on and then patient can easily choose the right one.

Most important thing is that desired and agreed appearance are manifested in reality, after waking up from anesthesia, meaning that patient’s wish is fully accomplished, whether it is small, big or „for all the money“ breast enlargement.

If you cannot decide regarding the volume, and we talk about difference in 25 or 50 ccm, you should choose the smaller implant. There is always time for the bigger one and it can be done in 10 to 15 years. Visually, difference is not that big, and you should always have in mind that spine and thorax would have to carry additional weight for many years.

Finally, the fact is that consultation, examination and conversation between doctor and patient can never be replaced and that all this represents only additional methods on the road to- the perfect cleavage

About the author: drmaljkovic

5 comments to “How to achieve perfect cleavage?”

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  1. Sandra - Thursday October 11th, 2012 Reply

    Dragi doktore Maljkovicu,

    mogli bi ste da napisete i neki clanak za nas koje zelimo da grudi podignemo i povecamo 🙂

    Sandra 😀

  2. Rezervacija Hotela - Wednesday June 27th, 2012 Reply

    Svi težimo savršenstvu, ali je pitanje koliko je ko spreman da uradi da bi to postigao.

    • drmaljkovic - Wednesday June 27th, 2012 Reply

      naravno, ali svi ovi tekstovi namenjeni su onima koji su spremni nešto sa sobom da urade.

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