If you wish to look like J Lo

During entire human history nice buttocks was always highly appreciated, and ancient Greeks even had a name for perfect buttocks- “callipygeny”. Since the number of requests for improvement of buttocks appearance, I have been receiving lately, has far surpassed my expectations, here are a few words on the subject…


In the global village we live in today, buttocks is more and more in the focus of cameramen, photographs, directors and entire society, thus we are all witnesses today of beautifully shaped buttocks parading in music videos, movies, on fashion shows or professional sports. After all, entire career of Jennifer Lopez comes down to shooting from behind or sideways and we forget her songs very quickly, but appearance of her buttocks we remember very well.

Shape of buttocks is directly influenced by the shape and size of gluteal muscles and amount of fat tissue between them and the skin. Girls of Hispano or African origin have genetic predisposition for extremely beautiful buttocks and girls from our area who wish to have more round, bigger or simply prettier buttocks most often mentioned J Lo as a role model and desire.

Shape and size of buttocks can be increased in two ways- with silicone implants and injections of one’s own fat tissue. Do not even think about injecting silicone because it is dangerous, illegal and it can lead to very serious complications.

At first glance, injection of fat tissue seems like excellent choice because no foreign material is injected into body and liposuction of hips and belly is done simultaneously. Large amounts of fat tissue are necessary in order to enlarge buttocks, thus liposuction effect is quite expressed and buttocks look larger even without lipotransfer. This procedure is popularly called Brazilian lift, even though it does not represent lifting but enlargement of buttocks that produces desired size and shape. Problem exists with girls that are naturally skinny, because in such situations there is not enough fat to ‘borrow” and thus, results are lacking. On the other hand, exactly these girls are the ones wanting buttocks enlargement.

Luckily, there are gluteal implants for these situations. Good news is that today they are of far better quality than they used to be then years ago, they have firmer consistency, they come in many shapes and sizes adapted to individual needs, and complications such as ruptures and leakage of silicones are extremely rare. Surgical technique has also improved and with intra- or submuscularly placed implants appearance is much better than it used to be, when implants were placed over muscles, or possibly under the fascia. Enlargement of buttocks with implants is extremely effective, appearance is great and long-lasting, but recovery is longer than with breast enlargement and it requires little patience and renunciation.

If you have any question, please contact me on my e-mail address: igormaljkovic@yahoo.com or at http://www.facebook.com/imaljkovic.

About the author: drmaljkovic

4 comments to “If you wish to look like J Lo”

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  1. Teodora - Monday December 9th, 2013 Reply

    Postovani ,
    Moje vidjenje sa Vama u petak mi je promenilo misljenje, pa mogu cak slobodno reci I samopouzdanje podiglo (A mogu da zamislim posle operacije)…
    Razmisljala sam da li da postavim komentar na ovoj stranici ili kod ugradnje dual plane implanta…
    Vi ste vise od hirurga. Samo zelim da vam se zahvalim na vremenu koje ste mi povetili. Mnogo ste mi pomogli, a I odmogli, sto ne znam sta da uradim prvo – grudi ili zadnjicu.
    Zaboravila sam da vas pitam da li se primete odnosno ocrtavaju implanti u zadnjici I da li to ima veze sa postavljanjem da li ispod misica ili tkiva oprostite ako sam neprecizna…
    Sve u svemu zelela sam da ostavim komentar da je dolazak kod vas nesto najbolje sto mi se desilo

    • drmaljkovic - Monday December 9th, 2013 Reply

      Poštovana gđice Teodora, zahvaljujem se na lepim rečima i nadam se da niste na prevelikim mukama, oko izbora redosleda operacija 🙂

      Implanti u zadnjici se najčešće osete, naročito ako su subfascijalno postavljeni. Ako su ispod mišića to da li se napipaju ili ne zavisi od veličine implanta i debljine i čvrstine mišića. Oni se svakako ocrctavaju na silueti, ali to je i razlog zbog kojeg se rade. Nadam se da sam odgovorio na Vaše pitanje.

      Puno pozdrava, dr Igor

  2. Sandra - Monday October 15th, 2012 Reply

    Meni ona bas i nije nesto …ni ta njena famozna pozadina. Ne kazem da imam ” bolju” ,ali preterali su njom i onom Kardasijan . Vise mi se svidja neki ” evropski” look guze 🙂

    • drmaljkovic - Monday October 15th, 2012 Reply

      To je stvar ukusa, svakako. Ne kažem ja da je njena pozadina najlepša na svetu ali je činjenica da je J Lo svojom pojavom potpuno promenila estetske kriterijume i pažnju gledalaca prebacila sa glasa, lica, grudi … na pozadinu. A onda su za njom došle Latino i Afro lepotice i lavina zvana “okruglasta, sexy, malo veća guza” dokotrljala se, preko Bare i do nas.

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