Three in one congress and breast enlargement controversies

Few years ago, association of plastic surgeons from the region agreed to hold joint congresses with a view to enabling knowledge sharing, promotion of new techniques and – socializing. This time Belgrade was the host, and the organizers made sure that everything was high-class, from its venue to its accompanying program. Within those three days, we had a chance to hear a lot of good lectures, and for me personally the most interesting topics were related to aesthetic breast surgery.

At the session dedicated to breast augmentation, we had the opportunity to hear the lectures given by colleagues from Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, while the colors of Serbia were ‘’defended’’ by doctor Kojić and myself.

The onset of atypical lymphoma found in women with silicone implants, which is the current topic at the moment, has stirred up the atmosphere at the congress, because this extremely rare occurrence (a total of 300 cases for over 50 years of implant use) was used by an implant manufacturer for propaganda purposes, which led to tumultuous reaction of one of the leading aesthetic surgeon from Belgium, who has characterized this stand made by the Italian colleague as (I quote) ‘’bullshit’’.

On the other hand, the use of polyurethane implants in our region had its own congressional ‘’debut’’. The results, aesthetically and functionally, after enlarging and reshaping the breast with Microthane implants which I presented at the lecture, caused a great interest of mostly younger participants at the congress and their desire to try them personally, which I, in cooperation with the team from “Una” hospital, made it possible for the colleague from Novo Mesto, Slovenia, who had the opportunity to see, in his real work, what the whole breast enlargement process with polyurethane implants looks like, as well as why it is so hard to get good aesthetic outcome with them.

It is important to stress that not a single female patient with polyurethane implants has suffered from ACLC. So here is another reason why these implants should be considered before the decision for surgery is made.

About the author: dr Maljkovic

2 comments to “Three in one congress and breast enlargement controversies”

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  1. Ana - Friday July 28th, 2017 Reply

    Molim Vas imam kapsulu nadjevom dojci.
    Najradije bih izvadila oba inplantata i tako smanjila grudi. Da li je to miguće ? I kako ?

    • dr maljkovic - Thursday August 31st, 2017 Reply

      Poštovana, to je jedan od metoda rešavanja problema. Možda će biti potrebno grudi smanjiti jer se koža rastegla prema implantima. Druga opcija je zamena implanta.

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