Nose surgery … questions from the doctor’s office
Rhinoplasty is rightfully considered to be the most complicated aesthetic surgery. Due to central position on the face, nose is always in the focus of attention and its irregularities are impossible to be covered up. As Barbra Streisand is no longer popular, and she also underwent nose surgery, today girls want small and perfect noses. Surgery usually decreases the nose; it models it and brings it into harmony with the rest of the face.
These are the question, which are usually present in my practice, but I will gladly answer all other, sent to my e-mail, on FB or here…
“What can be changed on the nose?”– patients usually ask and I begin listing- size of the nose, its length from root to top, width of nostrils and entire nose, nose profile, tip size and asymmetry, nose and nasal septum deviation. Number of combinations is unbelievable, as well as number of parameters influencing definite appearance. Due to all these reasons this operation should be entrusted only to aesthetic surgeon who knows well how to accomplish desired appearance, but also dares to suggest some changes that patient did not notice himself/herself.
“Why do you want to do this?” – question I like to ask. Nose is not something that you should operate because of a boyfriend, girlfriend or someone else. It is serious procedure, which is always to be done for oneself. The fact is that many people feel bad because of disproportional nose and they want to change it, and such change is that big, that it sometimes requires for change of personal documents, to the satisfaction of the patient.
“What do you want to change on your nose?” – this is the most important question in our story. When wanting to operate nose everyone has the same desire- nose in harmony with the face, as great Leonardo once defined. Road to such appearance is different for each patient. It is necessary to take photographs and conduct very careful pre-operative analysis, with numerous calculations. Nose root, nose height, width, profile, shape and position of nose top and gristle, type and thickness of skin, harmony with chin and the rest of the face are considered…Nose hump is usually removed, nose is slightly shortened, narrowed, nose top size and position are changed, as well as great number of other things. This is the surgery where good plan is something that is obligatory, and performance- well, it must be perfect.
“Doctor, why do I need to have a scar on my nose?” – since I adopted surgical technique of Rollin Daniel, I perform open nose surgery. Scar is minimal and almost invisible, and results are incomparably better than those achieved with closed technique. During past years we were surprised when certain nose “turns out nice” and is beautiful after the surgery. Today this represents the rule and absolute imperative, and now we carefully plan and perform the surgery completely different.
“When will I see my nose?” – usually only until a month after the surgery patients have first impressions about the nose, but true appearance slowly develops during the entire first year, when subtle changes of the nose top occur. Of course, operator can know if everything is in its place or not, right after the removal of plaster.
“Is all this worth being done?” – a question that patients ask themselves before the surgery. This is the only question which I don’t give the answer to, but it comes to them, and it happens really quickly…
4 comments to “Nose surgery … questions from the doctor’s office”
Milica - Thursday September 20th, 2012
interesuje me cena operacije nosa? hvala..
drmaljkovic - Friday September 21st, 2012
Milice, cena otvorene rinoplastike sa osteotomijama, opisane u tekstu je okvirno 1400€, može biti manja ili veća u zavisnosti od kompleksnosti operacije.
Hvala na interesovanju.
milena stojkovic - Saturday August 18th, 2012
Molim Vas da mi pošaljete broj telefona na koji bi mogla da se raspitam o zakazivanju i pregledu radi ugradnje inplantata u grudi!Unapred hvala Milena Stojković,Beograd.Pozdrav!
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:36:02 +0000
drmaljkovic - Sunday August 19th, 2012
poslao sam Vam broj telefona na mail, ali evo ga još jednom : 064 333 00 40