Belt lipectomy – what does it represent and how is it done?
Many women and men also, have excess fat tissue in a form of a “life belt” at middle and lower part of the abdomen, which is hard to eliminate with diets and exercises. It is common with women after labor and with persons who lost a lot of weight. If you wish to find out how this excess skin and fat tissue can be removed keep on reading this text.
What expanded belt lipectomy represents?
This is a procedure that represent and alternative to the standard “tummy tuck” surgery and it is performed when fat tissue on the body looks like one life belt beneath the skin. Some people have excess fat tissue on their stomach only, while most also have it on their hips, waist and backs, and they represent the target group for this surgery. This procedure removes one skin layer and fat tissue, and remaining skin is stretched and regrouped, at the same time significantly improving body silhouette.
What you should know about the procedure:
This is a long surgery and I rarely succeed in performing it within less than four hours. During this time I manage to remove up to 15kg of fat tissue from the lower belly, hips (or waist, if this sounds better to you) and back. With this we improve appearance of all these regions, and also lift and tighten hips, and partially thighs. All this gives more beautiful waist shape and gentle flow from thorax towards legs. I give my best efforts to plan the scar to be in the line with swimming suit, thus only after a few months from the surgery going to the beach becomes satisfaction. Recovery period after this surgery is not long and patients stay in hospital for one or two days, but it is necessary to give oneself 3-4 weeks of rest. Satisfaction is total when patient measures waist size for the first time after the surgery– waist is 10-20 cm (!) smaller. Of course, it is necessary to continue with healthy diet and easy exercise after this procedure so that body remains in its new shape after the surgery.
Who is a perfect candidate for lipectomy?
Typical candidates are patients who underwent bariatric surgery (gastric by-pass, ring, etc.) or they lost a lot of weight during their diets. However, those who did not lose enough weight but would want to look better can also represent candidates. If you are worried about excess skin and fat tissue around entire middle part of your body you should consult a plastic surgeon, talk to him/her and you may decide to undergo this procedure. Like other procedures, this one can also be combined or supplemented with liposuction for even better results.