Sandra’s story about liposuction
Sandra, reader of the blog decided to undergo liposuction. Here is her experience, as she wrote it, posted on a forum on aesthetic surgery:
Here I am 🙂
First of all, let me say the doctor is great. I totally lost myself, both out of fear and excitement but my husband asked him hundreds of questions…and doctor was so calm:).
He gave thorough explanation to each question and he also touched some other topics. He is not the type that just rushes you and “scamps” you. He processed MORE parts than we agreed before the surgery for the same money (and amount is quite affordable, comparing to prices in Belgrade). I wanted fat to be sucked out from my hips and a little bit around them, but doctor also treated my belly, thighs, riding breeches (even lower, in order to even out everything, so it looks natural) and region, all the way just below my back. Doc says I was the perfect case because I didn’t come with excess 20 kilos (I am 163-4 cm tall and weighing 55 kg), but I had small fat excesses on particular regions of the body.
I had a chance to see myself while they were dressing me and I was thrilled to see everything even in that state…I expect that, when everything falls back into place in the next few months, results are going to be fabulous. By the way, I underwent classic liposuction. Surgery lasted unexpectedly long, instead of less than 2h it lasted almost 3h, and I can barely get back to normal…I already have low blood pressure.
Doc said he sucked out around 3800 cc of fluid….I don’t know how much fat was in there. Until I saw myself this morning during dressing I was asking myself what was I thinking…but now I CAN’T wait for necessary time to pass.
Doctor and one female doctor, whose name I forgot, were great. We felt like at home because we were not treated only like patients but like we were a family…they come to visit you and cheer you up with everyday life topics.
For those who think I am just advertising the doctor, let me just say they are not right, because I met him for the first time…I am just thrilled by the way they welcomed and treated us and I am also satisfied with the first results. I will put BEFORE/AFTER pictures as soon as bruises vanish and skin sticks as much as possible 🙂
And now something about recovery. Doctor said that I should wear a waistband at least for two months. He advised me not to sit bending forward, so that skin on the belly does not “stick” improperly. Aggressive massage is out of the question for at least one to two month, even longer, since skin should form some kind of connection with the tissue because there is no more fat between, to bond them. Unfortunately I cannot give you expert explanation as he gave to me, but that is the point. Soft “massage” with a roller or even with a rolling pin :). Just enough to avoid “breaking” of newly formed connections…
After two weeks I will go to get my stitches removed, cuts are small, about 4 mm. There is still some blood leaking, but doc said it will all pass within 5-6 days. At this point I have trouble getting up and my hubby is helping me a lot with everything, I have temperature, but not high…the first day I got it since I came home. I should drink Palitrex for a week.
🙂 Oh, and yes…we also discussed breasts before the surgery. He made me try on bunch of “breasts” 🙂 and 390ccm somehow look perfect…to my husband and doc, but I think they are too big. I have sort of a phobia to look like Ceca after the surgery, but when I buttoned up my shirt…it looked really juicy :).
But I will not even think about that for the next six months, so I am postponing my appointment from December to…later :(.
I hope I didn’t break rules of the forum, I just tried to give my impressions about doctor and surgery, and I will post more elaborately with pictures as soon as situation is suitable for taking pictures.
One-two days later:
QUOTE(nansy @ Sep 12 2012, 06:22 PM)
***, I have anatomic implants 390ccm high profile Cohesive 3, I am 167cm tall and I weigh 62kg. Look at my pictures; I think they are not too big; you will not look like Ceca!
Thank you nansy, I will look at them surely 🙂 I believe they are not, especially when doctor and husband say they are just right :). I appreciate that as soon as I tried 450 (I think that was it) doc immediately said:”…no, no these are not good…”. I also tried several rounder but smaller and he said the same thing when I put them in bra and tried them on. I really believe that he is sincere and has aesthetic criteria and is not willing to do everything that we patients would like 🙂
And 6 days later:
I cannot help myself and add something. These 6 days after liposuction I feel quite weak, low blood pressure, pulse over 100…doctor explained that I should expect something like this due to the blood and fluid loss…I bothered him quite a bit (through my husband of course) on a daily basis, as if he has my general practitioner: “my pulse is this much, I feel pounding in my ears…my blood pressure is low…I have temperature…now I don’t have temperature but… “. And he answered each call, explained everything all over again and gave us comfort…all this without sensing in his voice that he is annoyed with us, and to tell you the truth we were really annoying. My husband talked me into taking my blood tested and when they saw my hemoglobin was 79 %, they sent me right away to an internist…my husband called Dr Maljkovic and doc repeated everything like the first time. Frankly, even I would be mad at this point, but doc no. Even the internist (everything was of course fine here) talked to him….I don’t have much experience (Thank God) with doctors, but I have never experienced this much patience and time spent only for me (and not to mention there are also other patients) in any other hospital, practice…
I don’t know why I wrote all this, but it won’t hurt. And since it does not hurt, it must be useful.
14 comments to “Sandra’s story about liposuction”
drmaljkovic - Wednesday October 17th, 2012
Nemojte se izvinjavati, hvala Vam što nađete vremena da pročitate, i što mi je jako značajno, prokomentarišete. Svaki komentar mi je dragocen i trudim se da u svakom narednom tekstu uvažim primedbe po pitanju stila, a i sadržaja.
Sandra - Thursday September 20th, 2012
Draga moja , sama cu postaviti svoje slike ( pre i posle) na forumu koji vam je Doca predocio . Potpuni oporavak od “modrica” tj podliva karakteristicnih za liposukciju je od 2 do 4 meseca ,a potpuni rezultati su konacni oko 6 meseci . Ono sto ja pisem je moje odusevljenje i trenutnim stanjem , iako sam daleko od konacne “slike” . Pa vi ocenite sama koliko sam zadovoljna i koliko je promena vidljiva 🙂 .
Inace imam 34 godine , u braku preko decenije 😀 i majka sam ….
tatjanamb - Wednesday October 17th, 2012
Ubedili ste me i bez fotografija i drago mi je da ste zadovoljni :OK: :D.
Hvala na pruzenim informacijama i sve najbolje.
P.S. Izvinjavam se zbog kasnjenja sa odgovorom, ali nisam dobila obavestenje da je bilo novih komentara na ovoj temi, a ne stizem cesto svracati na sve blogove koje pratim.
drmaljkovic - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
TO je najvažnije, da ste Vi zadovoljni! I niste me smorili pitanjima niti zvanjem 🙂
vidimo se !
Maja Petkovic - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Ja sam pre pet godina u Beogradu radila dve estetske operacije,jednu iz zdravstvenih a drugu iz estetskih razloga..Volela bi da nekako stupim sa Vama u kontakt i cujem Vase misljenje.
drmaljkovic - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Možete me pozvati na telefon 064 333 00 40 ili mi je javnuti putem maila ili FB.
Sandra - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
I Sandra vam je neizmerno zahvalna !!! A o muzicu i da ne pricam 🙂 KISS za celu ekipu i vidimo se iduce nedelje na skidanju konaca 😀
drmaljkovic - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Naravno da fotke ne mogu da objavim. Privatnost pacijenta je apsolutna kategorija.
To su medicinske fotografije koje se ne prave za izložbu niti za internet.
Predpostavljam da ni Vi ne biste voleli da gledate svoje slike iz neke ordinacije okačene na FB, blog ili drugi sajt. Ukoliko imate nedoumica, možete joj se lično obratiti, iskopirajte bilo koji deo teksta u google i dobićete mesto gde je prvi put publikovan.
Što se tiče BMI, u njenom slučaju naglasio sam da spada u kategoriju idealnih pacijenata koji imaju lokalizovane viškove na kritičnim mestima. Liposukcija nije metoda za redukciju telesne težine već za popravljanje siluete tela, a to smo u njenom slučaju u potpunosti uspeli da uradimo.
Veliki pozdrav!
tatjanamb - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Svakako da nije u redu postavljati bilo čije fotografije bez dozvole. Možda pacijentkinja ne bi imala ništa protiv, pod uslovom da joj se ne prikazuju lik ili neka karakteristična obeležja na telu, ali bi usporedba bila, možda, “dokaz” uspešnosti najveće “težine”. Naravno, to je samo predlog i ništa više. Uostalom, da bi ste potencijalnom pacijentu objasnili efekte liposukcije ili nekih drugih zahvata iz Vaše struke, ili radite reklamu za javnost da bi ste privukli stranke, fotografije nekih pacijenata ce ipak “otići u etar”, zar ne ? Kako drugačije jasno i ilustrativno prikazati zainteresovanoj osobi zahvat koji je zanima ?
Pitala sam i za godine pacijentkinje (ali mi niste odgovorili) jer mislim da je i to bitno za težinu i izgled. Ako je i to podatak koji nije za javnost – Bože moj, ništa strašno. Idemo dalje kroz blogosferu i Vaš blog sa podacima koje ste nam priložili.
Hvala na diskusiji, bilo mi je zadovoljstvo.
Sve najbolje želim u daljem radu i životu.
P.S. Zaboravili ste da postavite link ka izvoru citiranog teksta.
drmaljkovic - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
“Sandra” je u tridesetim godinama, a kako je dosta toga komentarisala po blogu, možete joj se i lično obratiti.
Što se fotki tiče islim da je internet prepun slika i video klipova svih mogućih zahvata.
Mogu lično pokazati zainteresovanoj pacijentkinji na pregledu prethodne fotografije, ali je to retko potrebno. Obično je dovoljan opis izgleda koji će biti postignut zahvatom.
tatjanamb - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Najlepse zahvaljujem na odgovorima. Zaista se nikad ne zna sta nosi dan, a sta noc, pa i mene (mozda) jednog dana nanese put u Vasu ordinaciju. Sad mi to deluje daleko, ali nije nemoguce :OK:.
Toplo Vas pozdravljam.
drmaljkovic - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Bićete iznenađeni kad vidite koliko to nije ni bauk ni tabu. To je samo jedan od načina da se čovek oseća bolje, otprilike kao šminka, bavljenje sportom, uživanje u prirodi i slično što nas čini srećnijim.
tatjanamb - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Zaista ne sumnjam :D. Mozda sam malo veci detaljista i dosta toga me interesuje, ali ne sumnjam da to sto cinite Vase pacijentkinje cini zadovoljnim i srecnim :OK:.
tatjanamb - Wednesday September 19th, 2012
Mozda bih se jednog dana odlucila za liposukciju ali jos uvek ne, dokle god mislim da ti “viskovi” nisu abnormalni i neprimereni za godine, zdravlje, izgled… I dok se redovno bavim rekreacijom, trudim da ne preterujem u ishrani iako i te kako volim da jedem. Za sad mislim da jos ima nade za mene, a ona, poznato je, poslednja umire :lol:.
Divno je sto je ova zenica zadovoljna mada meni taj odnos kilaze i visine (163/4 cm i 55 kg) ne deluje kao nesto za liposukciju. Koliko zenica ima godina jer mislim da je i to bitno za odnos visine i tezine ? Mozete li postaviti njene fotografije pre i posle liposukcije (pretpostavljam da ih pravite radi sopstvene arhive i reklame) da bi smo mogli da uporedimo kako izgledaju te pozitivne promene koje su nastupile ?
S postovanjem,