What does breast reduction bring?

Very big breasts may represent a problem- they have big weight, they prevent a person from running or other sports activities, hygiene is also hard to maintain, they lose nice shape very quickly and they may be the cause of many complexes. Fortunately, aesthetic surgery offers efficient solution.


What does the person who decides to reduce breasts get?

Better body posture – since the weight that pushed forward and burdened has gone, it is easier to have correct and healthier posture, and back pain becomes memory on past days. We cannot neglect exercising that will correct possible existing deformities. Exercising represents one of the advantages of this surgery.

Neck and shoulder pain vanishes– all that weight that transferred via bra to clavicle and all the burden on entire shoulder area disappears. When I look at the standard lung X-ray of patients with big breasts I often see how their bras make cuts to their clavicles while carrying all that weight. Skin irritation due to constant sweating in inframammary fold also disappears. This is the secondary advantage of this procedure, which did not represent initial reason for visiting a doctor, while almost all patients mentioned it during examination.

Better appearance – reason because of which almost every patient visited a doctor. Big breasts lose their tonus and shape very quickly and start to “hang” and due to this situation strong bras are necessary. During winter this situation is to a certain extent bearable, but when summer time and beach are concerned, there is no swimming suit that can shape such breasts. These breasts may look disproportional with body figure and turn easy shopping into a nightmare. Reduced, more proportional and lifted breasts are the reason why we are here. Purpose of our surgery is exactly that, and we manage to achieve all of these goals with almost all of our patients. Truth is that some breasts cannot look perfect, but all breasts look better after the surgery.

Self-confidence – instead of telling you how this surgery improves self-confidence I will only share with you that I had one extremely beautiful, 24-year old patient, who due her big breasts never bought tight t-shirt or went to the beach. For the reasons of keeping her identity private I will not show you her picture from last year’s summer vacation, but I will tell you that she was in her swimming suit and that she was neither alone in the picture, nor with her girl friends

About the author: dr Maljkovic

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