What can I expect from eyelid surgery?

Excess skin on upper eyelids is not reserved only for those over 50 years of age. Many people start noticing the same already in their 40’s, primarily as “tired face”. Unfortunately, these people look older than they really are, much earlier than such skin starts interfering with their eyesight. Procedure that resolves this problem is called upper blepharoplasty- aesthetic surgery of upper eyelids.


Eyelid surgery is very individual procedure, which purpose is not removal of as much skin as possible, because it is then obvious to the observer that a person underwent a surgery, but the purpose is to recover a fresh, youthful face expression and remove tired appearance of “ heavy” eyes. Excess skin is removed during the procedure, and eyelid fat tissue is partially removed or reshaped. Parallelly with these basic procedures I also often perform correction of eyelid ptosis, I add the familiar horizontal fissure at the eyelid if the same did not previously exist, resect the muscle if it is hypertrophic and many other additional details, if the same are necessary.

Upper eyelid surgery is performed in local anesthesia and patient leaves the hospital shortly after the surgery. It is my opinion that this surgery is not to be done under general anesthesia at all, because of useful cooperation between patient and surgeon and willful opening and closing of eyes during surgery.

Results are not visible for at least 4-6 weeks. Recovery lasts for around 10 days, while it takes up to two months for all signs of surgery to disappear completely. Patients usually normally walk around the house on the first day after the surgery, but I “forbid” them to bend over because this position can worsen the swelling and pains that sometimes occur. Most beautiful thing of this procedure is that scars on the upper eyelid completely disappear in time, and results stay.

Advice: if you are going shopping you should prepare bigger sun glasses, because of the people around you, so that they do not think that there is some family violence going on at your home and call the police when they see bruises around your eyes, which by the way disappear very quickly. This situation with police is the true anecdote from my practice.


I will tell you one more secret. This is the most commonly performed procedure among aesthetic surgeons who become patients themselves, because with a minimum risk and shortest recovery period it gives the best results in the field of face rejuvenation. After all, who would say that the model in the picture is 59 years old…

About the author: dr Maljkovic

2 comments to “What can I expect from eyelid surgery?”

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  1. Sonja Uskoković - Tuesday December 9th, 2014 Reply


    Koja je cijena operacije gornjih i donjih kapaka u jednoj intervenciji? Na sajtu je navedeno nekoliko cena?

    Koliko unapred se zakazuje operacija i da li mogu istog dana da se operišem kada bude i pregled?
    Ne živim u Beogradu i morala bih da uzmem godišnji odmor unapred..

    Hvala na izdvojenom vremenu.

    Srdačan pozdrav,

    • drmaljkovic - Tuesday December 9th, 2014 Reply


      cena te operacije u uslovima regionalne anestezije je 1200e, a pregled i operacija se mogu uraditi u istom danu. Računajte na minimum dve nedelje pauze od posla.

      Srdačan pozdrav,
      dr Igor

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