cena operacije

Šta se radi kad implanti zađu u godine pozne…

Većina pacijentkinja poznaje činjenicu da implanti ne traju večito, da se izgled grudi može promeniti sa godinama i da je uglavnom potrebno “nešto” uraditi posle određenog broja godina. Mislim da je važno da svako ko planira da na ovaj način investira u svoj izgled sazna i opcije koje su na raspolaganju kad dođe vreme...

Budite otvoreni za otvorenu rinoplastiku

Otvorena rinoplastika uvedena je u praksu još dvadesetih godina prošlog veka godina i uključivala je mali rez preko kolumele kojim se prilazilo tkivima nosa, u cilju boljeg oblikovanja njegovog vrha. U današnje vreme većina estetskih hirurga u Americi radi ovom tehnikom, dok je kod nas još uvek relativno retka. Zašto? Tehnika : tokom ove...

6 koraka do odluke o promeni izgleda posle trudnoće

Iako su trudnoća, rađanje deteta i materinstvo za ženu događaji koji nose najviša emocionalna osećanja, fizički izgled tela posle porođaja često je izmenjen. Ponekad su to zanemarljivi, jedva primetni znaci na grudima ili stomaku, dok su nekad takvi da zahtevaju hirurški zahvat koji bi telo doveo u prvobitno stanje. Kombinovani zahvati skratili su oporavak,...

Da li su rezultati povećavanja zadnjice trajni?

Povećavanje zadnjice implantima ili sopstvenim masnim tkivom u poslednje vreme je popularna procedura kojom se popravlja njena pozicija, volumen i oblik. Često me pitaju koliko dugo dobar izgled traje. Obe tehnike mogu dati dugotrajne i odlične rezultate koji popravljaju izgled zadnjice, kao i samopouzdanje pacijentkinja. Transfer masnog tkiva – (brazilski lifting zadnjice) Tokom ove...

Kako izabrati pravog estetskog hirurga

Ako razmišljate o estetskom zahvatu izbor hirurga jedna je od ključnih odluka. Kako da je donesete na pravi način ? Ako samo gledate i sudite po fotografijama i sajtovima, svi nude vrhunsku uslugu, vanredne hirurge i sjajne rezultate. Međutim, imao sam pacijente kojima se desilo da im estetske operacije rade lekari koji nisu specijalisti...

Implanti : more, sunce, plivanje

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Jedno od pitanja koje me pacijentkinje najčešće pitaju početkom leta je : “Kad mogu da idem na more i da plivam...

Da li je moguće ukloniti strije ?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Strije za većinu devojaka prestavljaju ogroman estetski problem. Najčešće se javljaju u toku brzog rastu u pubertetu, tokom trudnoće i u...


Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Objavljeno u časopisu “Estetska hirurgija i kozmetika”, april 2014 Implantati za grudi...

Pločice na stomaku uz pomoć liposukcije

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Kad se priča o mišićima prednjeg trbušnog zida, “trbušnjacima” prva asocijacija su...

anatomski implanti – koja je veličina prava

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Često me pacijentkinje pitaju za dimenzije implanta zbog planiranja povećanja grudi. Određivanje...

Silikonski implanti i dojenje

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Devojke koje se interesuju za povećanje grudi gotovo uvek me pitaju da...

zubarka : kako sam dobila savrsene grudi

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Na forumu justplasticsurgeon članica pod imenom “Zubarka” opisala je svoje iskustvo sa...

50 godina savršenih grudi… silikonskih

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Znam, postojale su i pre 1962 godine žene sa savršenim grudima. Sofija...

5 tretmana za lepši izgled očiju, kapaka i lica

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Kako je najveći akcenat antiaging medicine na neinvazivnim tretmanima, rešio sam da...

Fat Injection Grafting to the Breast – Safety and Effectiveness

Godinama smo masno tkivo smatrali energetskom rezervom koja često kvari izgled tela, ali sa razvojem tehnika liposukcije i transfera masnih ćelija upotreba ovog tkiva u različitim estetskim intervencijama se proširila poput šumskog požara. Osim lica, koji je relativno mala regija po pitanju volumena za lipotransfer, grudi i zadnjica su glavne regije na kojima se...

The truth about botox

Of all the anti-aging and dermal filler products out there, Botox is perhaps the most well-known of all; you would be hard-pressed these days to find someone who doesn’t know what it is. Despite its popularity, however, there are a lot of misconceptions among the general public about the risks and side effects involved...

Teardrop-Shaped Breast Implants

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Ideja da implant za grudi ne treba da bude okruglog,već kapljičastog oblika...

Silicone lips …

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. autor teksta : Sonja Martić, časopis Blic Žena, maj 2013 Turbulentne devedesete...

why do Breast Implants form Capsules

Implant capsules have notoriously bad reputation. They are discussed when they are causing problems. Capsules provide protection, and without them, breast reshaping would not be possible. And the Capsule is? Capsule is a fine sheet of scar that lines the breast implant’s pocket. It is incredibly important in maintaining breasts’ enhancement. The inner layer...

98% satisfied! Only breast implants can do that!

One very interesting study conducted among women that underwent breast enlargement surgery was published in May issue of American magazine Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery® and it revealed quite concrete and exact evidences about what women can expect from breast enlargement. Arlington Heights, Illinois. – Study of Dr. Eric Swanson, American plastic surgeon, that covered...

How long do the silicone implants last?

WHY DON’T WE VISIT OUR AESTHETIC SURGEON AS OFTEN AS WE DO OUR MECHANIC? BECAUSE IMPLANTS ARE NOT TO BE CHANGED AFTER EVERY 10000 KM! Many people still think that implants should be changed after every five, seven or ten years. This is not correct! If you don’t have any problems with implants, there...

Rekonstrukcija dojke vraća samopouzdanje

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. drugi deo teksta objavljenog u časopisu “Top zdravlje”, autora Marine Damnjanović Koliko traje oporavak posle rekonstruktivnog zahvata? Posle operacije žena oseća...

What does breast reduction bring?

Very big breasts may represent a problem- they have big weight, they prevent a person from running or other sports activities, hygiene is also hard to maintain, they lose nice shape very quickly and they may be the cause of many complexes. Fortunately, aesthetic surgery offers efficient solution. What does the person who decides...

Tri operacije za lepši izgled dojki

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Serbisch und Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird in der Standard-Sprache dieser Website angezeigt. Sie können einen Link anklicken, um zu einer anderen verfügbaren Sprache zu wechseln. Lepe grudi privlače poglede, mame uzdahe, a često i izazivaju zavist okoline. Bilo da su izgubile na lepoti posle dojenja ili...

Questions that you need to ask the surgeon about

If you plan any of aesthetic procedures it is very important that you inform yourself very good and prepare for your meeting with chosen surgeon, whether you want breast enlargement, liposuction or nose correction. Make a list of questions, and if the below ones are not on the list, make sure you add them...

If you wish to look like J Lo

During entire human history nice buttocks was always highly appreciated, and ancient Greeks even had a name for perfect buttocks- “callipygeny”. Since the number of requests for improvement of buttocks appearance, I have been receiving lately, has far surpassed my expectations, here are a few words on the subject… In the global village we...

Health tourism in Serbia? Of course!

Health tourism is often mentioned in the media, most commonly without any analysis or evaluation, but it is always emphasized that Serbia is in position to offer the same. Instead of analysis, I will tell you what we do, when foreign patients make appointment and come to us for aesthetic surgery. One of more...

Sandra’s story about liposuction

Sandra, reader of the blog decided to undergo liposuction. Here is her experience, as she wrote it, posted on a forum on aesthetic surgery: Here I am 🙂 First of all, let me say the doctor is great. I totally lost myself, both out of fear and excitement but my husband asked him hundreds...

U Bor po najjeftinije silikonske grudi

tekst sa internet portala Telegraf od 16.01.2012. U Srbiji postoji četrdesetak registrovanih hirurga koji se bave estetskom hirurgijom, a svega nešto više od deset njih steklo je sertifikat koji im omogućava da vrše operacije uvećanja grudi. S obzirom na to da je sve više žena spremno da estetskim korekcijama istakne svoju lepotu, Telegraf.rs se...