
Abeceda liposukcije

Kao i u ostatku sveta liposukcija i kod nas dobija a popularnosti. Osnovna ideja je genijalna - uklonićemo masno tkivo tamo gde smeta, a nećemo ga dirati tamo gde je potrebno, npr na licu.

Kako tip liposukcije utiče na rezultat ?

Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. U poslednje vreme često dobijam pitanja u vezi liposukcije, a kako je...

Who is the candidate for liposuction?

Even though the headline implies it, this text is neither about politicians nor celebrities that would benefit from the surgery (any many of them would), but about us, me and you, about all that wish to look better and are ready to do something about it. You eat healthy, work out on regular basis,...