ALCL je retki tip non-Hodgkin limfoma koji karakteriše nakupljanje abnormalnih T-limfocita u limfnim čvorovima. ALCL povezan sa implantima (BIA-ALCL) je još ređa forma ove bolesti koja se formira u kapsuli koja okružuje implant
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Ukoliko planirate da uradite povećanje grudi veoma je važno da se dobro obavestite o samoj proceduri, o vrstama implanta na tržištu,...
Za prirodni izgled treba izabrati anatomske implante visokog profila, manjeg volumena. Za naglašeniji, a još uvek prirodni izgled dojki, razmotrićemo ekstra visoki profil anatomskog implanta. Ono što bi svakako trebalo izbeći je uzimanje "najvećeg mogućeg" implanta.
želeo bih da podelim neke insajderske informacije o tom zahvatu, a koje bi trebalo znati ukoliko razmatrate povećanje grudi. Da, biće ih malo više…
The normal tissue around the implant is soft and relatively mobile. When the capsular contracture occurs, the tissues that surround the silicone implant tend to become solid, thickened and they tighten the implant from all sides.
The common wish of my female patients who want to enlarge their breasts is not to have their implants set far apart, as a large gap between breasts might give implants away. So why don’t we get implants closer and eliminate that gap?
Few years ago, association of plastic surgeons from the region agreed to hold joint congresses with a view to enabling knowledge sharing, promotion of new techniques and – socializing. This time Belgrade was the host, and the organizers made sure that everything was high-class, from its venue to its accompanying program. Within those three...
bilo da je u pitanju čestitka, kozmetika, pretplata za teretanu ili estetska operacija poklon koji dajete biće cenjen samo ukoliko je namenjen voljenoj osobi, a ne vama.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. U praksi estetskih hirurga poznato je da se najveći broj operacija grudi radi tokom zime, a ima i razloga zašto je...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Jendom mi je pacijentkinja mi je na pregledu rekla da “dobre devojke ne ugrađuju silikone”, već se pravilno hrane, studiraju, idu...
Kod žena koje razmatraju podizanje ili smanjivanje grudi pitanje ožiljaka je veoma bitno. Estetska hirurgija je uvek u finom balansu izmedju dobrog izgleda i vidljivih ožiljaka i zbog toga ću pokušati da razjasnim neke uobičajene nedoumice. Svaka hirurška procedura podrazumeva inciziju kože koja kasnije ostavlja ožiljak na koži. Kada su grudi u pitanju...
Bar jednom nedeljno dobijam ovo pitanje. I uvek odgovaram kratko – Ne! Ponekad je pitanje preformulisano i otprilike glasi :”Uradila sam silikone pre 12 godina, sjajno izgledaju, ali sam čula da ih treba menjati i moja drugarica je to već uradila. Da li je to tačno?” – Nije tačno! Implanti nemaju ograničen rok trajanja....
O poliuretanskim implantima danas se puno piše, organizuju se stručni seminari i kongresi, široko se koriste u Evropi, Južnoj Americi i Australiji, ali pacijenkinje ostaju uskraćene za osnovne činjenice o ovim implantima. Ovo su pitanja koja najčešće dobijam u vezi ovih implanta. 1. Kakvi su to implanti ? U pitanju su silikonski implanti...
forum iskustvo korisnice "baby orhideja", preneto u celini...
Hello hello hello !! Živa sam, kao sto rece moj PR menadzer Morska sirenica!
Da počnem lagano .... Polytech Diagon Gel4Two 400 ccm, Dr iz Bora, klinika V.Skopljanca....
Autor: is / , časopis 24sata Da li vas često bole ramena i glava, a vrat vam je ukočen? Možda vas muče i bolovi u leđima i loše varenje? Ukoliko vam neke od ovih stvari zvuče poznato, moguće je da nosite pogrešan brushalter. Originalna fotografija moje pacijentkinje koja je povećala grudi Diagon gel...
Autor teksta : Sonja Martić, BKTV Gotovo da ne postoji žena koja nije zadovoljna nekim delom svoga tela ili lica. Najnovija istraživanja pokazuju da bi se čak 90% njih prepustilo rukama plastičnog hirurga. Istraživanje koje je uključilo preko 5000 žena pokazalo je da je čak 90% između 18 i 25 godina nezadovoljno najmanje jednim...
Pacijentkinje koje dolaze zbog povećanja grudi najčešće ne dolaze zbog manjka samopouzdanja, već zbog želje za boljim izgledom, a silikonski implant je činilac koji može da promeni neprijatni osećaj da se jedan deo tela ne uklapa sa ostatkom. Devojke iz mnogo razloga žele implante – da bi “od nule došle do trojke”, popravile izgled...
Većina pacijentkinja poznaje činjenicu da implanti ne traju večito, da se izgled grudi može promeniti sa godinama i da je uglavnom potrebno “nešto” uraditi posle određenog broja godina. Mislim da je važno da svako ko planira da na ovaj način investira u svoj izgled sazna i opcije koje su na raspolaganju kad dođe vreme...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Jedno od pitanja koje me pacijentkinje najčešće pitaju početkom leta je : “Kad mogu da idem na more i da plivam...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Objavljeno u časopisu “Estetska hirurgija i kozmetika”, april 2014 Implantati za grudi...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Do pre desetak godina za povećavanje grudi korišćene su dve tehnike postavljanja...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. ovog puta prenosim tekst iz magazina Blic žena, autora Vladimira Tanackovića, jako je zanimljiv i lepo se uklapa u blog… Sigurno...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Devojke koje se interesuju za povećanje grudi gotovo uvek me pitaju da...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Časopis “ESTETIKA – hirurgija i kozmetika”, decembar 2013 . Preko četrdeset godina...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Na forumu justplasticsurgeon članica pod imenom “Zubarka” opisala je svoje iskustvo sa...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Znam, postojale su i pre 1962 godine žene sa savršenim grudima. Sofija...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Ovo pitanje na pregledu veoma često čujem, od pacijentkinja koje dolaze prvenstveno...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian and German. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. Ideja da implant za grudi ne treba da bude okruglog,već kapljičastog oblika...
One very interesting study conducted among women that underwent breast enlargement surgery was published in May issue of American magazine Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery® and it revealed quite concrete and exact evidences about what women can expect from breast enlargement. Arlington Heights, Illinois. – Study of Dr. Eric Swanson, American plastic surgeon, that covered...
You may not like what you are about to read, but I will write it anyway: if you are thinking of enlarging your breasts with silicone implants you should stop thinking of the size of your bra. Very often girls come to me with words “I have A/B, I would like to have strong...
WHY DON’T WE VISIT OUR AESTHETIC SURGEON AS OFTEN AS WE DO OUR MECHANIC? BECAUSE IMPLANTS ARE NOT TO BE CHANGED AFTER EVERY 10000 KM! Many people still think that implants should be changed after every five, seven or ten years. This is not correct! If you don’t have any problems with implants, there...
During my career I have noticed that, besides usual questions related to silicones and breast enlargement, there are also certain urban myths regarding the same. I will try in the “Mythbusters” style to say something about each one. I have chosen five of them to start with, but I believe that this will be...
To make decision on aesthetic procedure is never easy, nor should it be taken for granted. Patients often ask me what procedure will they benefit most from and what should be the first one they should undergo. As aesthetic surgeon I feel obligation to suggest consideration of the following questions before making decision about...
Sandy11 is a girl that dared to make her dream come true and enlarge breasts. This is her experience published on plastic-surgeon forum: “Giiiiirrrrrllllsssssssssss I made my dream come true! I underwent surgery tonight, doctor Igor Maljkovic, who I saw on television B92 peformed it. I’ve been put 325cc dual plane, they look nice,...
Sorry, this entry is only available in Serbian. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. Pre izvesnog vremena ugostile su me simpatične voditeljke “MiM magazina”. Pričalo se o načinima kako se stiže do lepote i šta...
If you plan any of aesthetic procedures it is very important that you inform yourself very good and prepare for your meeting with chosen surgeon, whether you want breast enlargement, liposuction or nose correction. Make a list of questions, and if the below ones are not on the list, make sure you add them...
Dual plane metoda povećavanja grudi je superiorna u odnosu na klasične jer je izgled grudi izvanredan i ukoliko implant nije preveliki nema “fake” efekta i grudi deluju prirodno. ALI! Nema ni zabave, odnosno takve grudi ne mogu se voljno pomerati, niti se njima može namigivati, kao u sledećem klipu. Šalu na stranu, efekat...
Most frequent questions patients asked me before breast enlargement 1. What implants do I use in my work? – Mentor and Polytech, silicone implants with memory gel. Each implant has serial number and it goes with life-long guarantee. I use neither Chinese nor French PIP implants. Patient’s safety is no. 1 on my list....