Don’t think of the size of your bra!

You may not like what you are about to read, but I will write it anyway: if you are thinking of enlarging your breasts with silicone implants you should stop thinking of the size of your bra.


Very often girls come to me with words “I have A/B, I would like to have strong C/D” or “my friend has D, I would like to have the same size”, because they are used to measuring size of breasts in such way when buying bras. Words I am trying to hear at that moment are: “I want breasts that will match my body proportions”.

In connection to breast enlargement, size of a bra is subjective and unreliable measure, thus it cannot be used for determination of volume of the implant. At the same time, almost every manufacturer has its own size label. I have seen at least ten of those by now and each one has its own characteristics and it is not unusual situation that one girl can wear 36C cup size from one manufacturer and 34D from another manufacturer.

In order to determine the size of an implant, the following must be taken into account: pre-operative appearance, position and size of breasts, presence of excess skin or ptosis as well as volume of the thorax. These are the reasons why 350ccm implant looks differently on a girl who never gave birth to a child, is 160cm tall and has 50kg and on a woman who is 170cm tall and has 65kg and two children.

Second very important “link” is the wish of a patient, with which it is necessary to comply as much as possible.

The best way to determine the size of an implant is still examination in surgeon’s room, which is done with a special bra and ultrathin t-shirt, all in front of a mirror. I personally rarely mention volumes; instead I wait for patient’s reaction. At one moment during trying on, one implant that “suits” the best singles out by its shape and size that perfectly fit the thorax and body of a girl. We “use” that perfect implant and- result is perfect.

Thus I will say once again: when choosing and implant think about the shape and proportions of breasts as well as about what you want to accomplish with surgery, and about the size of a cup and bra. Success will be inevitable.

About the author: dr Maljkovic

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