Questions that you need to ask the surgeon about

If you plan any of aesthetic procedures it is very important that you inform yourself very good and prepare for your meeting with chosen surgeon, whether you want breast enlargement, liposuction or nose correction. Make a list of questions, and if the below ones are not on the list, make sure you add them and ask the surgeon about the same?

  1. How is the procedure I am interested in done?
    It is very important that surgeon explain you in details the procedure he/she plans, step-by-step. If alternatives to suggested surgery exist, discuss them. In that way you will be more relaxed at surgery and you will know what to expect and you will also be able to better explain your wishes.
  2. What result can I expect and will they be visible?
    Talk to the surgeon about this, look at photographs of previous patients together, ask for sincere answers and give yourself realistic demands.
  3. What are the risks of procedure?
    Every procedure has its risks, whether general, related to anesthesia and surgery or specific ones related to specific type of procedure. Make sure to inform surgeon about your health, allergies to medicines or about any condition that would request for special measures during anesthesia and surgery.
  4. What is recovery like and how long does it last?
    Make sure to ask doctor how long will recovery last, how long you will not be able to work, go out, how long will the dressing of the wound last and when will you have that “expected”, definite appearance. If you are a sports person, ask the doctor how long will you have to pause and if special trainings and special nutrition regime will be necessary.

  5. What is your experience with this procedure?
    If you have already probably found out everything about your chosen surgeon and read on the forum comments of his/her previous patients, it is very important that you hear from him/her about his personal experience with chosen surgery. Ask the surgeon what is the percentage of patients who were satisfied with outcome of this procedure and what the percentage of success of procedure you are interested in is.

About the author: drmaljkovic

2 comments to “Questions that you need to ask the surgeon about”

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  1. Sandra - d25.10m.12y12y Одговори

    A mi znamo i doktora koji ce vam predociti puno vise od napisanog u ovom tekstu 🙂

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